Welcome to Holybrook Parish Council's Website

Proudly serving the residents of Holybrook Parish since 2000


This website is published by Holybrook Parish Council and its purpose is to provide information about the Council and activities within the Parish.


Want to report a problem?

Pot holes, faulty street lights, over-grown foliage, fly-tipping and over-flowing bins and much more can be easily reported through West Berkshire Council's Report a Problem page on their website

Current Vacancies

Holybrook Parish Council currently has one part-time vacancy available.  Closing date for applications is Friday 28th June 2024.  Come and be a part of our small and friendly team.  

Job Description 

Person Specification 



We welcome our community to come together and join us in remembering D-Day.  Join us in a commemorative event at in the Memorial Field, Linear Park (just over Pooh Bridge) where we will join together in a moment of reflection at 8.00pm on Thursday 6th June 2024.  Then, in the spirit of community of the time we invite all residents to bring their family and friends to our relaxed D-Day Memorial Event on Saturday 8th June; take part in one of the many free activities or, if that's not for you, why not sit back with your fish and chips, or ice-cream, or cold drink and soak in the atmosphere listening to Hospital Radio Reading (we thank PRS who have provided us with our music licence for free for this important community event and to all the groups who are also giving up their time for free to support our community):