Welcome to Holybrook Parish Council's Website

Proudly serving the residents of Holybrook Parish since 2000


This website is published by Holybrook Parish Council and its purpose is to provide information about the Council and activities within the Parish.


Want to report a problem?  Pot holes, faulty street lights, over-grown foliage, fly-tipping and over-flowing bins and much more can be easily reported through West Berkshire Council's Report a Problem page on their website

Quote Opportunities

Opportunity to quote to run The Garage: A community refreshment kiosk.

The quote process is open to private and third sector business.

Deadline for submission is mid-day on Monday 24th February 2025.

Invitation to quote: The Garage Refreshment Kiosk 

Opportunity to quote for the Parish Council's Ground Maintenance contract.

The quote process is open to private sector business and sole traders.

Deadline for submission is mid-day on Monday 24th February 2025.

Invitation to quote: Holybrook Parish Council Grounds Maintenance