The Steering Group has carried out some direct consultation with community groups and without exception and irrespective of age the six key issues concerning the residents of Holybrook are:


The lack of shops and redevelopment of the Underwood Road Shopping precinct 


The need for better health facilities 


Lack of youth facilities from toddler playgrounds to holiday schemes, sports and multiplay for all ages 


Protection and improvement of Linear Park, and our (few) green spaces. More inclusive recycling facilities. The problem of litter and dog fouling 


Transport Issues: bus service to Theale, inconsiderate parking, speeding through the estates and use of motorcycles in the park 


Provision of safe crossing areas to schools and community facilities 

It was quite a surprise to find that that 26% of the questionnaire respondents did not know where the Linear Park is.

However, of those who use the park 90% would like to see it made into a nature reserve. Linear Park has now been awarded Green Flag status. Information boards and leaflets have been produced to give details of the animals and birds to be found here plus details of all the walks to be enjoyed.

The Steering Group organised the Holybrook Festival to celebrate the initiation of the Parish Plan and plans to hold the event in the park each year. We need lots of volunteers to help organise and stage it and want the community to be fully involved, so if you can offer help please contact the parish office.

Almost a quarter of our respondents say their lives have been affected by litter and vandalism and another fifth by theft and dog fouling. A quarter feel that we need a greater police presence and a fifth want more CCTV coverage and better consultation between police and local people.

A new Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) has been established to form a partnership between police, councils and the communities of Tilehurst and Holybrook. The Neighbourhood Warden Scheme has had a very positive effect within Holybrook over the last year and it is hoped that the combination of community police officers and neighbourhood wardens will bring even greater benefits, not least reducing crime and the fear of crime. The Neighbourhood Wardens are actively involved in developing the Parish Plan projects, helping to assess needs and providing essential direct contact with the community.

The redevelopment of the Underwood Road shopping precinct.

51% of respondents identified major danger spots in their neighbourhood. 55% said they would support a reduction in the speed limit. We propose to work closely with Thames Valley Police and the Highways Department of West Berkshire Council to enforce speed limits and provide proper parking and the introduction of more crossings where they are most needed.

As well as finance, the other key factor to the success or failure of any one of the projects is the need for volunteers. Volunteers are particularly needed to help run activities for young people and training can be provided. If you can help in any way, we would love to hear from you, and in the meantime please keep an eye on the Council website and notice boards for future developments and regular updates.