
Planning applications may either be viewed on the West Berkshire Website or inspected at the Parish Office, Beansheaf Community Centre, by appointment only. There may be a small charge for this service.

Please see the meeting schedule page for the next scheduled planning meeting and the agenda for plans to be discussed at each meeting.  NOTE: not all planning applications will be discussed in a separate meeting and may be considered in Full Council.

When responding to planning applications the following information may be of use: Material Planning Considerations.

Current Planning Applications in Holybrook


26 Greencroft Gardens, Calcot, Reading, RG30 3PL

Proposed loft conversion with flat roof rear dormer and 2 Velux windows on front elevation.


22 Sweet Briar Drive, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7AD

Single storey rear and side extension


2 Fortrose Walk Calcot Reading RG31 7YG

Front porch


21 Corsham Road, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7ZH

Erection of Outbuilding for use as a Study/Gym with Shower Room and Store


5 Bath Road, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7QH

Proposal for part conversion of garage into habitable space, single storey rear extension and internal alterations


4 Goodwin Close, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7ZW

Erection of new front porch, partial conversion of existing attached garages and rear single/two storey extensions with associated internal alterations.


21 Red Kite Close, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7BT

Proposed 2 Storey Rear Extension, 1 no. new door opening to ground floor & 1 no. window to first floor of side elevation (fitted w/opaque glass).


2 Kilburn Close, Calcot RG31 7DH

First floor side extension and garage conversion.


33 Bath Road, Calcot, Reading. RG31 7QH

Rear extension to the existing house. Garden gym room


5 Bancroft Place, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7BH

Proposed front dormer extension.


45 Bath Road, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7QH

Part single storey rear, side and front extension.


10 Sandhills Way, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7PQ

Construct a new double storey extension to the side of the property. Kitchen/utility and office on ground floor. Bedroom and ensuite on first floor. Loft space over the new extension to form new playroom.


Grangewood, Mill Lane, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7RS

Single storey rear extension with roof lanterns to accommodate dining and living space. First storey side extension above garage for a newly proposed bedroom. Alterations to front facade and windows.


35 Bath Road, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7QH

Proposed timber framed building to provide additional living space to the original dwelling.


28 Mackay Close, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7XW

Retrospective conversion of garage into a livable space.


Pincents Manor Hotel, Pincents Lane, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 4UQ

Section 19: Variation of Condition 4 (Windows/Doors) of previously approved application 21/03218/LBC2: Convert the redundant former Pincents Manor Hotel (Use Class C1) into 50 extra care (Use Class C2) apartments for the elderly with associated extensive communal facilities and landscaping. Works include demolition of the existing non-listed conference facility, hotel annexe and outbuildings.


351 The Meadway, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4NU

Erection of a replacement two-storey dwelling.


Land bounded by Hoad Way and M4 and High Street, Theale, Reading

Full planning application for the construction of 2 employment units for flexible uses within Class E (light industrial), B2 and/or B8 of the Use Classes Order (including ancillary office provision) with associated enabling works, access from Hoad Way, parking and landscaping.


Kennet Valley Primary School, Carters Rise, Calcot, Reading, RG31 7YT

Section 73 - Variation of conditions 2 and 15 of planning permission 23/01325/REG3 - Construction of a single storey building to provide a Special Education Needs (SEN) facility for a maximum 12 children together with associated car parking, hard/soft landscaping and other related works.


Land adjacent to Bath Road, Dorking Way

Hybrid application: Full planning application for the erection of two storey, 70-bed care home and outline application for 7 residential dwellings with all matters reserved except access and siting.


The Filberts, The Chase, Calcot RG31 7RB

Demolition of existing office building and erection of a three storey 66mo bedroom care home (CS use class) for the elderly and associated works.


The Garage Building Linear Park Charrington Road Calcot Reading RG31 7AW

Change of use of the building in Linear Park known as 'The Garage' from a storage facility to a refreshment kiosk providing mainly off-site consumption of hot and cold beverages and food. Some tables on-site for limited on-site service.